« We met when we were 20 years old...it’s been 25 years now that we travel the world with our camera and guitare in hand...
We love being on the road...after a while we lose track of our goals...just, driving and living the moment, begins to be it...
We met amazing women and men while road tripping around the world...playing music was our way to meet and share with them...friends of friends of friends...Playing music is like talking all together at the same time to create a sentence that no one had in mind before...
music is togetherness… music is love... »
Karima Adams
Karima Adams is a Canadian girl...We met at a birthday party in Marrakech...she’s a thinker, a keen observer, always trying to understand human relations and human interactions...a charismatic woman...With Rami talks leads to melodies and words...Recording there sessions is like a word flow that slowly merge into music...
Ulona Hooman
Ulona Hooman is a South-African girl...full of magic...she is an old soul...
With Rami they love to improvise and let go...as she says :
« trying to catch butterflies"...
Noé is on the drums for that trio...Recording there talks and music improv are like mystical moments...
Cecile Gohel & Fred Quota
Cecile Gohel is a French artist and stylist...They met at Blitz Motorcycles Garage in 2013 while working on a song project with Fred and Hugo from Blitz...Cecile Gohel is a fire cracker...she’s full of energy…she lures you in...a natural entertainer...Playing music with ceciIe is like working out...it is all about giving energy and encapsulating it in a song...
Fred Quota is a surprising man…a sharp scientist and a talented drummer…an inspiring combination...we met him in a train few years ago...we were in the same cabin...sometimes things are right and easy... :-) ...he is the perfect fit for Cecile's play...
Noé and Rami love to improvise together...Father/Son music is so powerful no boundaries...no rules...just fun and joy...playing together as much as they can...
Lili is a dancer and a sweet voice...she is 13 years old...with Rami, her father, they spend Sundays afternoon writing composing singing and taking the time to share ideas...